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3 Simple Ways To Save Money

By: Michael Millington

The ease with which people spend their savings can be frightening sometimes. Even if a savings account reached a respectable amount with months of budgeting and careful planning, one impulse purchase can destroy all of that hard work. With the many ways we have to access our money now, it’s almost impossible to stop ourselves from getting something we really want when we really want it. There are much simpler ways to save your money and to keep it from budgeting oversights and impulse purchases. Here are a few simple ways to help save your money.


1. Live Frugally

Trying to save money becomes a hassle when you see so many things you really want. However, whenever you give in to one of these impulse purchases you always end up in a worse financial position than you started in. If you really can do without something then just don’t purchase it. Try to work impulse purchases out of your throwaway income until you no longer buy unnecessary things. Instead, place the money you were planning to spend towards your savings to begin or continue you savings goal.

An easy way to notice what unnecessary things are robbing you of your potential savings is to create and maintain a budget. Budgeting your monthly income is a great way to follow your money through the year, creating a means to save and work your way out of any debt you have. Doing your own budget gives you a much better idea of what happens to your money and helps you feel a deeper connection to your funds.

You work hard for the money you earn, so make sure the things you spend it on are absolutely necessary. Scale back on the things you are certain you don’t need and your potential to save will grow aggressively. Living frugally will help you see a broader financial picture and give a new meaning towards saving your money for the future.


2. Love How You Save Money

Loving your money puts an emotional aspect behind your savings, just as it would do with your debt elimination efforts. While there is a sense of accomplishment that accompanies debt repayment, the idea of saving is usually met with indifference. Building a relationship with your money is a surefire way to become a better saver and a more savvy debt payer.

Many people believe that a love of money is the ability to spend it once they have it. Your savings and your debt strategy suffer when you spend all of your throwaway income. However, holding onto your money brings a different kind of empowerment to your finances. Being able to handle your debts in a steady fashion and knowing you’ll be prepared for any emergency gives you not only empowerment, but a sense of relief as well.

To better understand your finances, consider seeking a financial advisor from a reputable financial institute. A financial advisor can help you plan a course of action for your savings, give you the best options for paying off debt and answer any questions you may have about either subject. If you hold a bank account then seeking a financial advisor is as simple as asking to speak to one at your next branch visit. The advice is free and can help you tackle saving and debt at the same time.


3. Plan To Make Extra

Saving money is hard enough with a set income coming in every month. It can be hard to insert savings into a formula that takes away from other items. A way to veer away from using your normal monthly income towards saving is to plan to make extra money during the course of the month. Extra income can be used in a variety of ways to help supplement your normal income or speed up another goal that requires money.

Taking on overtime or another job entirely is a great way to pick up extra income. After you’ve set up your budget and have taken care of allocating your regular monthly income anything extra can go directly into your savings. If your job provides direct deposit then have the money wired into a savings account to reduce any hassle of doing it yourself. If another job is too taxing on your time then consider doing extra work from home. Freelance work can be done at your leisure and still provides a sizeable income for professional work.

Saving in this fashion can help you reach your goals much faster, but it also requires you to manage your time with discipline and fervor. Working beyond your regular schedule might only have happened a few times in a year normally. With this method of saving it’ll be a regular occurrence every week, if not every day. Make sure you make a goal for your saving plan and stick to it so you can gauge your success. If you’ve started saving before supplementing your income you’ll see a huge jump in production for your savings endeavors.


Making strides in saving for the future doesn’t have to be an ongoing struggle. Simple methods of saving can take you a long way when beginning or expanding the saving process. Try and cut out the unnecessary parts of your financial purchasing habits every month to maximize what you can save. Begin to see your money as an asset as opposed to being a means to purchase things so you can associate immediate and long-term value to your savings. Find ways to make extra money that can have the purpose of increasing your savings potential and reaching your savings goals faster. By simply adjusting a few aspects of your life you can drastically improve your savings ability and take the stress out of your financial situation.

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