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How the National Debt Affects You

By: Michael Millington

With the way the national debt is rising recently, it might have more of an affect on you than you think. There is a real risk of the economy needing help and the American people being caught up in the middle of it all. One of the main problems that can arise from such an event is the beginning (and continuation) of a nationwide recession. Since it is currently unclear whether the government will step in to raise the national debt ceiling and avoid a recession, it is best to know what to look out for and how to handle the coming times.


National Debt: Recession Affects You

While the state of the nation hasn’t been unbearable for the past few years, it is possible to have this period of productivity completely upset by a negligence in handling the national debt. One common occurrence when a recession is imminent is the lessening availability of jobs. The change in job availability may not be an immediate happening, but for as long as the recession runs the possibility of employment levels dropping will be there more so than ever.

Another thing that is affected by a recession is business productivity. This is directly related to the unemployment issue we just discussed. Most often the thing that occurs is the inability for smaller businesses to thrive or even survive during a recession. This would then result in many businesses failing or downsizing, ending in the rising of unemployment rates.

One entity that might be affected by the onset of a recession would be the stock market. Many times the decline of a stock market’s health is indicative of a recession coming. The thing about the stock market is that at the time of this posting (August 2017) the market has never been better. While there are no definitive markers for the future of an oncoming recession (and while the stock market can be just as unpredictable) some indicators have traits that can correlate to certain financial stressors. Should the markets be affected, it could very well have a massive effect on your savings.


In Case of Recession, What Should You Do

The very nature of a recession makes it very hard to deal with during the event. However, you can plan for a recession if it is reasonable to believe one is imminent. For starters, you can make sure your budget reflects a minimalistic viewpoint. Spending as little as possible, sticking just to bills and eliminating superfluous expenses, and contributing to your savings is an excellent way to start.

Another way to shore yourself up against a recession is to perform an emergency job search. It’s no secret that some jobs are more stable than others. Even if you believe you have a measure of job stability, it would still behoove you to perform a job search. Putting your identity out there for potential employers would help possibly ensure a transition to a new job if necessary. This step can be a great trump card should the worst happen.

Lastly, to prepare for a time where negative things can crop up in an instant, it pays to handle any existing negativity. Handling your current debts can be a major help to an upcoming recession. With everything we’ve discussed so far it could result in a scenario that sees many without a means to pay their bills, let alone their debts. While smaller debts might seem insignificant now, they can become part of a much bigger problem later on and especially so during a recession.